Watch Instincts Take Over As Husky Pulls Owner 'Full Steam Ahead' on Bike

A Siberian husky lived out his instincts by rushing "full steam ahead" while pulling his owner on a bicycle.

Duncan, who only gave his first name, lives in Coventry, England, and is the proud owner of four-year-old husky, Anubis.

The blue-eyed dog has gone viral on TikTok after fans watched the moment he took off, sprinting down the street, dragging Duncan on a bike behind him.

"As you see in the video, he cannot wait to get going, then it's full steam ahead," Duncan told Newsweek, adding that he helps Anubis by pedaling slightly, as it would "normally take two huskies for the weight of one adult".

The clip, shared to account @anub1sxx, is taken from a car, and sees Anubis going full pelt down a residential road, with Duncan following closely behind.

Siberian huskies like Anubis were originally bred 4,000 years ago to pull sleds in the Siberian Arctic. The American Kennel Club (AKC) notes the breed's endurance, having been created to pull light loads over vast areas.

Duncan explained to Newsweek the video was taken in October, when the weather was cooler, as "this time of year is way too hot" for the breed's double coat.

Anubis the Husky loves pulling his owner, Duncan, on a bicycle. The breed was originally bred for pulling sleds across frozen expanses around 4,000 years ago. Anubis the Husky loves pulling his owner, Duncan, on a bicycle. The breed was originally bred for pulling sleds across frozen expanses around 4,000 years ago. TikTok @anub1sx

Anubis had started out pulling Duncan on rollerblades, which, while fun, came with a problem: the lack of brakes.

Now the pair regularly go on runs with Duncan being pulled on his bike, and he added it isn't full speed ahead for the entire time, as "there are many toilet stops — but that's what the brakes are for."

They've become recognizable in their local community for their unique exercise, as he told Newsweek: "Every time I go out, people who pass in cars always have a smile, or a laugh. We are just happy that so many people love the fact he's being used to his potential and what they were initially bred for, and if [it] brings a smile to those faces watching, all the better."

Duncan has also bought a new harness for Anubis to make it more comfortable for him to pull him along, and the plan is to "save up for a proper scooter for these type of dogs as that's what they just love to do."

"As per safety side of things, I've never put anyone in danger and never once have I come across anyone in our way, it was always quiet, just perfect," he added.

TikTok users were in awe of the video, filmed by Duncan's daughter, Mia, as it racked up over 363,000 likes since being shared on August 1.

The four-year-old Husky lives in Coventry, England with his owners Duncan and Mia. Duncan told Newsweek the pup is "he best dog anyone could have asked for". The four-year-old Husky lives in Coventry, England with his owners Duncan and Mia. Duncan told Newsweek the pup is "he best dog anyone could have asked for". TikTok @anub1sxx

One commenter praised Anubis' owners, writing: "I've never been so impressed by a husky owner....that proper enrichment and the dog gets to properly release any built up energy!"

"That dog is getting the work out he was bred for," another laughed, with another saying Duncan was "honoring the breed".

Others worried it was dangerous, for Anubis, Duncan or any passersby, with one writing it was "all fun and games until the dog spy's a cat," but as Duncan replied: "He actually goes straight past them because he's so focused on just absolutely bombing it."

The sports coach and massage therapist, 52, told Newsweek they "never expected" the huge reaction Anubis' video would get, calling it "astounding".

"Never did we even think there would be any interest, yet alone how crazy it's gone."

Anubis joined the family four years ago, to give animal lover Mia a pet of her own.

"Apart from the usual mishaps of puppy ownership, he has been the best dog anyone could have asked for," Duncan praised the pup.

"He never wrecked or chewed anything he shouldn't, like many huskies do, but mainly has had plenty of exercise and loves to run—as you can see."

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