Labrador Gets X-Rays Done After Not Feeling Well—No One Prepared for Result

After a veterinarian gave Stella, a chocolate Labrador, X-rays when the pup was brought to the clinic by her owners for not feeling well, everyone was shocked with what was discovered inside her stomach.

Stella was brought to Cochrane Animal Clinic in Alberta, Canada, since her owners were concerned as to why the pup wasn't feeling like herself. The clinic ran a few tests and completed X-rays to help get to the root cause. Thankfully, the veterinarian spotted something strange.

The June 25 Instagram video posted by the animal clinic (@cochraneanimalclinic) shows the X-rays Stella received and asks if anyone notices something strange. If you look closely enough between her ribs, there is a faint white circle with a recognizable logo. Stella fancied a meal for herself of not one, not two, but eight pairs of Lululemon underwear.

The video's caption reads: "Oh Stella what have you gotten yourself into? Huge shout out to @lululemon for having logos that are visible on radiographs!"

Stella underwent surgery in order for the team to remove the underwear from her stomach. Luckily, she was a trooper. The clinic told Newsweek via Instagram that she did well after surgery and there were no complications.

"We were with the owners and were just happy to find the reason for why Stella wasn't feeling well!" the clinic told Newsweek. "We'd never seen the logos pop out like that on radiographs."

After a veterinarian gave Stella, a chocolate Labrador, X-rays after the pup was brought to the clinic by her owners for not feeling well, everyone was shocked with what was discovered inside her stomach—eight pairs... After a veterinarian gave Stella, a chocolate Labrador, X-rays after the pup was brought to the clinic by her owners for not feeling well, everyone was shocked with what was discovered inside her stomach—eight pairs of Lululemon underwear. cochraneanimalclinic/Instagram

Instagram Users React

The Instagram video amassed over 4.8 million views and 121,000 likes as of Friday afternoon.

"We need more brands with radio dense labels!" one Instagram user wrote.

Another added: "Bet that vet bill didn't make you giggle."

A third user chimed in on a similar situation and posted: "Lulu must be tasty because my dog chewed my favourite running shorts when I was in the shower. Fortunately, he took small bites."

Dogs Eating Underwear

One might think their precious fur baby would never touch their underwear, but it happens more often than you'd expect. It's a frustrating and concerning behavior, but why do they do it in the first place? An article from Vet Explains Pets dove into this exact question, revealing multiple reasons for the strange behavior.

Bored dogs might find chewing on underwear stimulating as it gives them a different texture and scent than what they're used to. They might suffer from separation anxiety and when left alone for long periods of time, they engage in destructive behaviors to cope with the stress.

Perhaps a dog is simply seeking attention and will eat underwear to get a reaction from their owner. Or needing comfort, they might be drawn to the scent of the owner's underwear.

The article mentioned the behavior could come from Pica, a condition that involves the desire and craving to eat non-food items. Understanding why your dog might be eating your underwear will help address the problem.

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