Woman 'Cried the Whole Way Home' After Seeing Heartbreaking Sign at Vet

Saying your last goodbyes to a pet is one of the most difficult things a person can go through. Although it's inevitable, the thought of going through it can bring anyone to tears, as it did for one woman.

TikTok user @pisceslovestheplanet22 was recently at the vet when she was reminded of the unavoidable by a special sign the office uses to help others be respectful during the final goodbyes. The sign, which was on the outside of an examination room door, read: "Please speak softly, someone is saying goodbye."

These hurting pet parents were putting down a beloved family member. The door was closed to give owners their privacy, and politely asking people to keep quiet meant they could focus on their goodbye.

Realizing what was happening, the woman instantly burst into tears and didn't stop. The caption on her September 23 video reads: "I cried the whole way home."


I cried the whole way home 💔💔💔

♬ someday i'll get it - Alek Olsen

No one wants to think about it, but there will come a time when a pet's parents must make the difficult decision to let their fur baby go. Coming to that realization is never easy.

PetMD recommends owners start thinking about providing their pets with a peaceful passing when they have more bad days than good. This decision should always be made with your veterinarian. From there, owners have options when it comes to euthanasia because no one size fits all.

Owners can opt to do an at-home euthanasia in what is usually a more relaxed and comfortable setting. This can reduce stress, but it can also be more expensive. The alternative is to schedule a vet visit.

Newsweek reached out to @pisceslovestheplanet22 via TikTok for additional information.

A TikTok video shows a woman crying after reading a sign at the vet that asked for people to speak quietly since someone was saying goodbye to a pet. A TikTok video shows a woman crying after reading a sign at the vet that asked for people to speak quietly since someone was saying goodbye to a pet. @pisceslovestheplanet22/TikTok

The clip has over 4.6 million views, and viewers flooded the comments section. Many shared their experiences and how they grieved through the difficult time.

"Being behind that door is such an excruciating experience," said one viewer.

Another added: "Hardest choice I ever had to make was to help my best friends across the rainbow bridge."

Someone recently went through the hard goodbye: "I put my dog to sleep Saturday. I went to the front desk and seen a candle with a sign that says, 'Someone is saying goodbye to their pet.' Then I realized it was for us and I lost it."

This process also takes a toll on those who work there. A viewer commented: "Vet tech here... now imagine having to experience this almost every day. It affects us too."

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to life@newsweek.com with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.