Watch As 'Bossy' Puppy Kicks Huge Dog out of Bed, Then Steals It

A puppy's devious plan to get a spot-on the giant dog bed has left viewers in stitches.

In the October 7 Instagram video posted under the account @moxie_asher.the.gsps, the German shorthaired pointer puppy, Asher, appears to be barking at nothing. He stares at the giant doggy bed with determination. The barks continue until he finally sees movement.

As it turns out, the family's older dog, Moxie, is sleeping on the bed under the blanket. She tries her hardest to stay put and block out the puppy's energy, but it becomes too much. Annoyed, she pulls herself off the bed, stretches and moves away from the puppy. She side-eyes the owner filming as she walks past, irritated they let the puppy boss her around.

Most people thought the puppy was barking to get his older sister to play. But surprisingly, the puppy called her off the bed to steal her spot. It was his mastermind plan the entire time. And even though there was enough room for both dogs, Asher wanted it all to himself.

Moxie didn't protest. She knew if she were to get any sleep she would let Asher have his way. She'll sacrifice the comfy bed for peace and quiet.

Screenshots from an October 7 Instagram video of a puppy barking at the other dog in bed. Once the dog left, the puppy stole the spot. Screenshots from an October 7 Instagram video of a puppy barking at the other dog in bed. Once the dog left, the puppy stole the spot. @moxie_asher.the.gsps/Instagram

Thankfully, Asher doesn't do this often, the owner told Newsweek via Instagram. This just happened to be a candid moment they caught on camera. And based on other videos on their account, there are more dog beds to go around.

Picking out the perfect dog bed is important, especially since these pets can sleep anywhere between 12 and 14 hours a day. Puppies sleep even more, nearly 18 to 20 hours, according to WebMD.

When it comes time to select a dog bed, the choices are endless. You'll want to consider your canine's specific needs, age and size. Consider using an orthopedic dog bed for dogs who might suffer from joint or hip pain. Pillow doggy beds are soft and plush and a great alternative if you don't want them to sleep next to you. Elevated, or cot-style dog beds, are durable and breathable to help keep your canine cool. There are even covered beds for dogs who might get anxious and nervous. It gives them a space to burrow and feel cozy.

Viewer Reactions

With nearly 3 million views and 3,555 likes on Instagram, people couldn't stop laughing at the puppy's brilliant plan to steal the bed.

"Bossy little thing!" said one person. He's giving youngest child energy.

A second user wrote: "That's just devious with the, 'Hey! Come out and play!' barks and then the crawl into the nice warm bed."

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.