Woman Rushes Home After Seeing Most Heartbreaking Sight on Pet Cam: 'Momma'

A pet camera that captured the moment a cat pressed two talking buttons to summon home his owners brought viewers to tears.

The owner (@catmanjohn on TikTok) told Newsweek that she gets notifications sent to her phone through the FluentPet app. FluentPet is a smart-talking button system where owners can get phone updates when their pet uses a button. This way, owners can track when and how often their pets use specific buttons or combinations of words.

The November 1 TikTok video shows the moment her cat, Russell, pressed the buttons, which was captured on the in-home pet camera. He first called for his mom with a button that said "momma." Then he went to the "snuggle" button. He did them back to back as if he asked her to return home for snuggles.

"I saw that he pressed 'momma snuggle,' so I dropped in on my camera footage and saw it was intentional," she said. "My heart broke in half! It was so sweet and sad to know he was thinking of me while I was gone."

Thankfully, Russell didn't need to go much longer without snuggles from his owner. The second part of the video shows her back with her fur baby, giving him all the snuggles he begged for through the buttons.

Screenshots from a November 1 TikTok video of a cat using talking buttons. The cat's owner was heartbroken after hearing him use the buttons to say "momma" and "snuggle." Screenshots from a November 1 TikTok video of a cat using talking buttons. The cat's owner was heartbroken after hearing him use the buttons to say "momma" and "snuggle." @catmanjohn/TikTok

While it seemed like she rushed home, Russell's owner explained they were already headed home the next day when they saw him using the buttons.

"The video makes it seem like we rushed home, but we spent the night where we were, and when I got home, Russell immediately jumped on me to snuggle," she said.

People joined this owner's heartbreak, bringing in over 630,900 views, 102,600 likes and 1,121 comments as of Tuesday. They were relieved she returned home to give that cat much-needed snuggles.

"I would be sobbing driving home to snuggle my cat," said a viewer.

Another wrote: "I would run out of the hotel in my pajamas and drive through the night to get back to him."

"You can never leave that kitty again," one TikTok user commented.

Talking Cats

People have become hooked on watching dogs, and now cats, using talking buttons to communicate with their owners, but whether they are picking up on the button language or not has caused debate. The American Kennel Club says there is no scientific evidence that "button-pressing dogs are talking." However, it doesn't mean you can't train your pets to use the talking buttons.

An article from Chewy said that teaching your cat to talk with buttons can help strengthen your bond, give them another chance for communication, stimulate their brains, and reduce boredom and stress. Through constant use, cats can communicate their wants, needs, thoughts, feelings, questions and observations about their environment.

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to life@newsweek.com with some details about your best friend, and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.