Cat Soundly Sleeping 'Like He Pays the Bills' Goes Viral

One feline who was filmed by its owner sleeping soundly like "he pays the bills" has gone viral on Instagram.

In a post shared to the social media platform earlier this month by user @bfscats, a cat can be seen comfortably sleeping in its owner's bed as if it's tired from a long day of work, hugging his fish stuffed toy as his owner pets him in his sleep.

"Hard to resist kissing Simbah," the video's caption reads.

The Instagram video has quickly gone viral on the platform, receiving over 73.4 million views and 6.8 million likes so far.

Newsweek has reached out to @bfscats for comment via Instagram comments. We could not verify the details of the case.

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A post shared by Dr B Fatima (@bfscats)

According to Britannica, cats sleep on average 15 hours per day, even though some stretch it to 20 hours, especially if they're older cats or kittens.

Because cats are natural predators, all the sneaking and pouncing around that they do can exhaust them, and are traits they inherit from their ancestors, the wild cats, who need to hunt in order to survive and need to recharge.

"And they are not just predators, they are crepuscular predators, which means that the go lights come on for them at dawn and dusk during the twilight hours when their prey, rodents and birds, are equally active. The rest of the day, cats sleep," Britannica adds.

Newsweek previously reported on cats' sleeping positions and found out that the way they sleep can sometimes help you to understand what they might be feeling.

If they sleep curled up in a ball it's because they want to conserve their body heat, and if they cover their eyes with their paws, they don't want to be disturbed. When cats sleep in a bread loaf position, they are trying to get some sleep while still being ready to spring into action, which could mean that while they're comfortable with their owner, they're still anxious around them.

One feline who was filmed by its owner sleeping soundly like "he pays the bills" has gone viral on Instagram. One feline who was filmed by its owner sleeping soundly like "he pays the bills" has gone viral on Instagram. Getty Images

Instagram Users React

Instagram user Nieallo commented: "He sleep like he pays the bills."

Another user @katjaluehrs commented: "How peacefully and lovingly animals can live together! When people treat animals with a lot of love and respect. I don't understand how people can still eat animals in today's enlightened world!"

Hikmeup added: "Imagine every cat would go to bed like this instead of acting totally crazy doing parcours and rock climbing."

Ariii.ba16 commented: "I can't stop myself from saying awww at the end when she holds the fish."

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.